Partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy to Enhance Sustainability
Nestlé Health Science achieves a 24% energy intensity reduction in less than three years.
We’re proud to be recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy as a 2022 Better Plants Program Goal Achiever.
The Better Plants program aims to help leading manufacturers boost efficiency, increase resilience, strengthen economic competitiveness, and reduce their carbon footprint through improvements in energy efficiency.
Through the program, we were able to accomplish a 24% energy intensity reduction in less than 3 years. The partnership, which initially included our Eau Claire, WI manufacturing site, has now expanded to include our entire U.S. operation of 15 facilities. Leading the way in our sustainability efforts, Eau Claire is zero waste to landfill and single-use plastic free, with plans to be powered by 100% renewable electricity by 2025.
“Nestlé Health Science is actively supporting the planet through the products we make, the actions we take, and the communities for which we care,” said Christiane Baker, Sustainability Lead at Nestlé Health Science U.S. “We believe being a business of care means diligently reducing our footprint and expanding our participation in the Better Plants initiative is just one of the many ways we’re working toward a more sustainable future for all.”
As we take on this larger commitment, the Department of Energy will provide access to hands-on resources and diagnostic tools to help advance our sustainability goals around water and energy efficiencies.
Learn more about how the Better Plants program is driving significant impact across energy-intensive industrial companies and organizations.